Helpful Articles and Videos


YouTube Coparenting and High Conflict Intervention Course by Dr. Deena Stacer

SPLIT: A Film for Kids of Divorce (and their Parents) (To purchase this video for home use:

Processes to Resolve Family Conflicts (from the Mastering Midlife Podcast)


The following resources area offeredby the American Counseling Association:

Counseling Today


  • Stepping In, Stepping Out: Creating Stepfamily Rhythm by Joshua M. Gold
  • Casebook for Counseling Lesbian, Gay,bisexual, and Transgender Persons and Their Families, editedby Sari H. Dworkin and Mark Pope
  • Youth at Risk, sixth edition, edited by David Capuzzi and Douglas R. Gross

Practice Briefs

  • "Divorce and Children" by Elizabeth A. Mellin and Lindsey M. Nichols
  • "Parenting Education" by Carl J. Sheperis and Belinda Lopez/li>

ACA divisions

  • Association for Child and Adolescent Counseling (
  • International Association of Marriage and Family Counselors (

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