The end of a relationship is a painful, difficult time. As an alternative to litigation and mediation, family law collaborative divorce is a team effort between the parties to work out their dispute fairly and with a minimum of animosity. Our collaborative divorce attorneys are specially trained and certified in this process, and we are ready to help the parties retain control over their experience, finances, and outcome.
You should consider working with a collaborative divorce lawyer if you want to protect your children from emotional stress, a civilized resolution, the best co-parenting relationship possible, control over your finances and children, to protect your privacy, or to resolve conflict with integrity.
Parties and their collaboratively trained attorneys enter into a Participation Agreement and commit to resolving the parties' issues outside of litigation. Neither the parties nor their counsel will threaten to pursue litigation.
The parties' collaborative attorneys cannot represent his or her collaborative client in litigation should a party choose to terminate the Collaborative Process.
Open discussions and full disclosure between all parties and professionals. The financial cost is dictated by the complexity of the parties' issues and the parties' level of effort and cooperation.
The parties have control over the timing of meetings and actions in accordance with their schedules and when taking action is more financially manageable.
A "Collaborative Case" may consist only of the parties and their attorneys, or it may include a number of other neutral professionals, depending upon the parties' needs, including Divorce Coaches, Parenting Specialists or Coordinators, Financial Professionals, or Mortgage Brokers.
It makes the most sense for the parties to hear from experts in each of these areas, and in most cases, at a lesser expense than having the attorneys take on those expert roles.
The Collaborative Process provides the parties with the privacy that litigation cannot.
Issues are discussed in team meetings, not aired in the courtroom.
Even couples who agree to divorce amicably often need help resolving difficult financial and child custody issues. In collaborative divorce, each party is guided to an informed agreement by professionals experienced in the process. Having an advocate for the fair settlement of all issues can lead to a more satisfactory settlement to both parties and less emotional strife.
The mediator is a neutral while in a collaborative divorce each party as his/her own counsel whose role is to represent only his or her client. The collaboratively trained attorney provides legal advice to the parties, where the mediator cannot.
Generally, yes. However, the collaborative attorney will assess with his or her client as to the appropriateness of the process.
If the parties terminate the process, they can choose another method of resolution. However, the collaborative attorneys cannot represent the client in a contested litigation.
Divorce is difficult. Kate made the process as easy as one could. Kate was honest and straightforward while working with a difficult client (me!). I have recommended her to several friends and colleagues and will continue to do so. In a word.... I TRUST Kate.
Evening and weekend appointments are available under certain circumstances.
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