In recent years, the U.S. has experienced a trend toward the increase of "late life" or "grey divorce", both terms referring to divorces involving those in their fifties or older. Many of the typical issues faced by separating and divorcing couples take on a unique, or even more urgent, character when faced by those in "grey divorces", including:
Mediation and Collaborative Practice are particularly suited to the resolution of the unique issues facing those in "grey divorces" without the devastating financial and emotional toll of litigation. Mediation and Collaborative Practice allow parties to create an amicable resolution designed especially to meet their individual needs and goals.
Fully one out of every four people experiencing divorce in the United States is 50 or older, and nearly one in 10 is 65 or older, according to a report by Susan L. Brown and I-Fen Lin, sociologists at Bowling Green State University.
Pre-nups may be a particularly helpful tool for those remarrying after a grey divorce, as people at this stage in their lives may have more assets to protect, may already have retirement plans, and may have adult children to consider.
I felt as if they were fighting not just for me, but for my child...
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