Virginia Courts and Child Support Services


Appellate Courts

Supreme Court of Virginia
Court Schedule, Docket, Synopsis of Opinions, Ammendment to the Rules of the Court, Information on the Justices and the Court

Court of Appeals of Virginia
History, Information on the Judges, Jurisdiction, Panels, Procedure, Certification, Finality of a Decision, and Review by the Supreme Court

Code of Virginia
Searchable index of the Code of Virginia

Court Access Pages

Virginia Courts Homepage
Information about Virginia's judicial system

Virginia Circuit Court Information
Search the Virginia Circuit courts

Other State Resources

Department of Child Support Enforcement (DCSE)
General Information about DCDE and services provided

Department of Child Support Enforcement (DCSE) Account Status
Individuals who have a child support case may access data related to their child support payments, balances due, and case status


Arlington County

Circuit Court
General Information about the Court, Access to Land Records, Marriage License Info, Directions, and Holiday Schedule

City of Alexandria

Circuit Court

Fairfax County

Circuit Court
General Information about the Court, Judges, Jurisdiction, description of Court Services, Directions, and Holiday Schedule

Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court
General Information about the Court, Judges, Jurisdiction, description of Court Services, Directions, and Holiday Schedule

Fauquier County

Circuit Court
Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court

Loudoun County

Circuit Court
General Information about the Court, Judges, Jurisdiction, description of Court Services, Directions, and Holiday Schedule

Prince William County

Circuit Court
General Information about the Court, Forms, and Traffic Fine Information

Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court
Information about the Court, Forms & Relevant Statutes, Custody, Support & Visitation Guide


Virginia Woman Attorneys Association

International Academy of Collaborative Professionals
Collaborative Solutions for Divorce and more

Virginia Collaborative Professionals
A non-profit association of attorneys, mental health and financial experts

American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers
Negotiators and litigators who represent individuals in all facets of family law 

For more information, schedule a consultation or call 703.279.5140.



Do we have children whose custody is at issue?
  • If so, how are they handling the separation of their parents?
  • Do any of the children have special emotional, mental, physical or educational needs? Are those needs being met?
  • Should any mental health professionals be involved in the case to aid the parents, the children, or the family as a whole?
Do we have unique tax concerns?

Ms. Reese was an accountant before becoming a lawyer, and though it often comes in handy, the use of a good expert is often needed to address complex financial issues, or to get those many years of back taxes done.

Do we have property at issue?
  • Business interests? Are the interests of the spouses the same? Who will operate the business during the separation and after divorce? How, if at all, will the parties be compensated for their interests?
  • Real property? Is it jointly titled? What is it worth? Who has contributed to the value and how? Who wants it, and who can afford to keep it?
  • Personal property? Who's property is it, and why? What value, if any, does the property have on the open market, and what value does it have to each party? (Have you ever heard "one man's trash is another man's treasure"? Well, here you have it.)
  • Retirement accounts? Isn't it mine because it is in my name? How much do I get and when? What are the tax implications and who pays them?
What Our Clients Say

Explained everything pertaining to my case clearly. Represented my interests.

12150 Monument Dr, Suite 225 | Fairfax VA 22033 | Directions
☎ 703.279.5140 | 703.279.5141 (fax)

Evening and weekend appointments are available under certain circumstances.


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