Same-sex couples are now free to marry in the Commonwealth of Virginia, and same-sex marriages performed in other states are now recognized in the Commonwealth. This means that same-sex couples are now also free to divorce in the Commonwealth, provided they meet the jurisdictional requirements. This is a big, long-awaited step forward, however, some laws pertaining to divorce in the Commonwealth have yet to catch up, and if they are applied in the typical manner, the circumstances of divorcing same-sex parties may not be given the proper consideration. The attorneys at ReeseLaw can explore with you those areas of your case that may require more than what one may garner with a glance.
Mediation and Collaborative Practice continue to be superior processes in which to address the issues facing marrying, separating, and divorcing parties, same-sex or otherwise. Allow the attorneys at ReeseLaw to talk with you about pursuing your Prenuptial Agreements, Postnuptial Agreements, and Separation and Settlement Agreements through Mediation or Collaborative Practice before resorting to other methods.
Schedule a Consultation with a lawyer experienced with same-sex law and divorce in Ashburn VA.
Evening and weekend appointments are available under certain circumstances.
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