Directions to ReeseLaw

12150 Monument Dr, Suite 225
Fairfax VA 22033
Phone: 703.279.5140 | Fax: 703.279.5141

From Points East of Fairfax

  • Take I-66 West
  • Use the left lane to take the Monument Dr exit
  • Turn right onto Monument Dr and then turn right towards Fairfax Towne Ctr
  • Turn left at Fairfax Towne Ctr
  • 12150 Monument Drive will be on your right

From Points West of Fairfax

  • Take I-66 East, Exit 55, Exit 55B and VA-286 N to Fair Lakes Pkwy in Chantilly.
  • Take the Fair Lakes Parkway exit from VA-286 N
  • Use the left 2 lanes to turn left on VA-608 N
  • Turn right at Fairfax Towne Ctr
  • 12150 Monument Drive will be on your left

For more information, schedule a consultation or call 703.279.5140.



What if you have met with the other party?

Then it is highly unlikely we can meet with you.

What are the client's responsibilities to the attorney?

Primarily they are to cooperate. If information or documents are needed from the client, the client must provide them. You may choose not to follow the advice of counsel, but as long as we are your counsel, we can not support actions or behaviors that impair the case. Deadlines with the court or those dictated by the Rules of the Supreme Court of Virginia, for example, must be met.

What are the attorney's responsibilities to the client?

Primarily to speak for you and look out for your best interests and the best interests of the case. This means that we will communicate with the opposing counsel, any third parties such as guardians ad litem, experts and the court on your behalf. Another key responsibility is to educate the client as noted above.

What Our Clients Say

Counsel followed up with timely advice.

12150 Monument Dr, Suite 225 | Fairfax VA 22033 | Directions
☎ 703.279.5140 | 703.279.5141 (fax)

Evening and weekend appointments are available under certain circumstances.


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