Seasoned Divorce Lawyers with Years of Family Litigation Experience
When a marriage comes to termination, there are many questions that may arise in regards to "who gets what?", amongst many other questions. Not only is the process time-consuming, but mentally & emotionally draining as well. At ReeseLaw, our divorce attorneys in McLean VA can help you get peace of mind and closure through this difficult phase and help in any way we can.
Dealing with a divorce alone can be exhausting without the proper resources and support. This is where our divorce attorneys at ReeseLaw can step in and assist you with anything you need proper advice and consulting in, including property acquired throughout the marriage, investment portfolios, and child custody.
Some tasks that our divorce attorneys in McLean VA can handle for you include:
To differentiate between the two types of divorce, a contested divorce occurs when the two parties cannot come to an agreement on their own in regards to the division of assets, child custody, attorney fees, and more.
An uncontested divorce, on the contrary, occurs when both parties are able to come to a mutual agreement, called a Seperation Agreement, to split up all the assets of the marriage.
Regardless if your divorce case is contested or uncontested, you'll need an experienced divorce attorney that can guide you through the process so the end result is fair and just for both parties involved.
Schedule a Consultation to see how ReeseLaw can assist you with your post divorce questions in McLean VA.
Evening and weekend appointments are available under certain circumstances.
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