Child Custody Lawyer in Fairfax VA

Child Custody Lawyer in Fairfax VA

Family meeting with an attorney

Child Custody Attorneys That Can Help You And Your Spouse Come To Terms

Child custody attorneys or divorce lawyers is a legal professional who helps clients with cases regarding the personal affairs and issues involving their children. Child custody lawyers help with family law matters such as providing representation and advice to parents during child custody disputes, helping them out of child support issues, gaining physical or legal custody of a child through court orders and representing minors in adoption proceedings. Child custody lawyer can also represent minors who wish to file emancipation petitions with the court.

ReeseLaw Firm's child custody lawyers are experienced, skilled professionals who know how to develop an effective strategy based on your unique case. Child custody attorneys from ReeseLaw Firm also appreciate how difficult these cases can be for all involved, which is why they do everything they can to minimize the stress of this process for our clients.

When To Hire A Child Custody Attorney

One of the most difficult aspects of divorce for parents is determining who has legal custody of their children after their marriage ends. Child custody cases are often full of complicated decisions and heated arguments between former spouses over where their children should live and how much time they should spend with each parent. When parents cannot agree on these issues, they may look for guidance from a family law attorney.

In many cases, child custody lawyers are not necessary to resolve these disputes amicably between former spouses. Child support and visitation schedules can be worked out successfully through negotiation rather than going before a judge. Child custody lawyers may become involved in cases where there has been abuse or neglect by either parent, or situations involving parental relocation that could negatively affect a child's well-being.

12150 Monument Dr, Suite 225 | Fairfax VA 22033 | Directions
☎ 703.279.5140 | 703.279.5141 (fax)

Evening and weekend appointments are available under certain circumstances.


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