ReeseLaw Blog

Grey Prenuptial Agreements: A Guide for Marriages Later in Life

Recently, there has been a lot written about “grey divorce,” referring to couples who divorce later in life, and some unique issues that they need to consider. Similarly, for individuals entering marriage after age 50, or those marrying for the second or third time, a “grey” prenuptial agreement can be a valuable tool.


Topics: Grey Divorce, Prenuptials

Changes That Come With Remarriage

A divorce does not always mean that the relationship doesn’t continue to impact the lives of the former spouses. If there are children, then issues of custody and support may require continued communication. In some cases, one spouse is awarded spousal support, which may create an additional basis for interaction. When one of the parties moves on to a new romantic partnership, there can be significant changes to the status quo. While this should not be the basis for deciding whether to start a new relationship or consider remarriage, it is essential to understand some of the possible consequences.


Topics: Mental Health, Parenting, Prenuptials

Love and Prenups Make for a Strong Marital Foundation

A prenuptial agreement or "prenup" is a written agreement between two people who are contemplating marriage. If done properly, it is a valid, enforceable alternative to the provisions thatf family law makes for married and divorcing couples. While the scope of a prenup can be as narrow or broad as a couple chooses, the conversations around the agreement bring up fundamental issues about marriage and relationships that all couples should be having before they get married. Even if a couple chooses to forgo a prenup, having the discussions can be a loving, healthy way to enter into marriage with clarity and joint purpose. 


Topics: Prenuptials

The Anatomy of a Prenuptial Agreement

A prenuptial agreement, or a "prenup", is a written agreement entered into by two people planning to marry in the near future. When the subject of a prenuptial agreement comes up, many people think it is something celebrities and billionaires use to handle a second spouse.


Topics: Divorce Law, Prenuptials

Let's Get Real About Prenups: I Hate Talking About Money!

As Family Law attorneys, we are frequently asked about prenuptial agreements, commonly referred to as "prenups."


Topics: Divorce Law, Prenuptials

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