ReeseLaw Blog

Planning for Tough Conversations

When a family dynamic is heading for a change, communicating about what is happening can be difficult and stressful for all involved. In the latest episode of the podcast Family Matters With Reese Law, Kate had an enlightening conversation with Jennifer Dalton, the founder, and CEO of BrandMirror, and author of the book Listen: How to Embrace the Difficult Conversations Life Throws at You. They talked about the important findings in the book and some of Kate's insights from 25 years as a Family Law attorney, and they shared best practices for planning, holding, and surviving the most challenging conversations.


Topics: Mediation, Mental Health

ADR for Family Matters During the Pandemic

The COVID-19 crisis has interrupted life as we know it, and it has impacted how the Virginia courts are operating. While each county has different orders, most "non-essential" matters have been "continued" (i.e. postponed), in some cases until June, and in others, indefinitely. Among the matters impacted by these orders are ordinary family law trials.


Topics: Collaborative Divorce, Mediation

What Happens When An Attorney Is On Your Side In Mediation

What is it like to mediate a dispute when represented by counsel? When meditating a dispute, parties can represent themselves, or they can be represented by counsel.  There are different mediation scenarios in which counsel may be involved, and counsels' role differs in each, and may differ depending upon the mediator. Here are some answers to questions about mediating while represented by counsel.


Topics: Mediation

What to Expect When Reese Law Mediates Your Dispute

Mediation is an increasingly popular alternative to long, expensive court battles to resolve family law disputes. Mediation requires transparency and clarity, and we at Reese Law adhere to those principles. The Firm's mediators pride themselves on helping the parties get to a mutually agreeable resolution through a fair, and open process. Here is a little more about the process and what to expect.


Topics: Mediation

6 Reasons to Consider Mediating a Family Law Dispute

Mediation differs from litigation before a judge because the parties get to decide the outcome. A mediation is simply a negotiation between the disputing parties assisted by a trained, neutral go-between called a mediator. If you don't agree to settle, the dispute is not over, and the mediator can't decide otherwise. The mediator does not make decisions or provide legal advice. Instead, a mediator helps guide the parties to a mutually agreeable solution. In terms of self-determination, no one knows one's own family better than the family members themselves, so they have a better understanding of what works and what doesn't. For parties with a family law dispute, a number of ways make mediation a preferable approach to the problem.


Topics: Child Custody, Child Support, Divorce Law, Mediation, Property Distribution

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